Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Role of Risk Factors and Protective Factors on Mental...

In today’s society, there is substantial variation in the number of incidences of mental health disorders between individuals within a population. Even though most individuals with mental health problems do not seek professional help, the rehabilitation and treatment of those who do, does not decrease the number of psychological problems in a population. Instead, the number of mental disorders remains the same and/or possibly increases. It is therefore crucial to practice and use preventative approaches to control and possibly eliminate biological, psychological and social stressors that are detrimental to one’s psychological health. As a result, the use of promotional and protective factors thereby improves the overall mental health and†¦show more content†¦As mentioned previously, risk factors are certain events, situations or characteristics that negatively affect the mental health and well-being of an individual. That being said, one with poor mental health is a major risk factor for developing detrimental and chronic physical illnesses later in life. Several studies have shown that children with a low socioeconomic status have an increased number of mental health problems than those from families with a higher socioeconomic status (Andersson, Bjorngaard, Kaspersen, Wang, Skre Dahl, 2010). Some additional general risk factors affecting the psychological health are poor coping skills (Raviv Wadsworth, 2010), living with single-parents (Dozois Firestone, 2010), as well as even having a lower IQ (Emerson, Einfeld Stancliffe, 2010). In my experience, there have been particular personal, filial and social situations that have negatively affected my sense of well-being. At the individual level, having an anxiety disorder has affected my life negatively. I suffer from apiphobia – the fear of bees – which causes extreme distress even just thinking of bees. This fear disrupts my daily life to the point where I cannot go outsi de during the day because I fear I will get stung. According to Dozois Firestone (2010), the prevalence of animal fears is higher among women, and genetics highly influence the etiology of anxietyShow MoreRelatedHealth and Social Care L3 Unit 618 Essays867 Words   |  4 PagesUnit 618 Understand mental well-being and mental health promotion. Outcome 1 1. As individuals are all different, they can respond to the same situation differently. In the same way, individuals can view and cope with their mental well-being and mental health differently. Someone with a negative view of their own situation may feel that they are to blame or not accept the consequences of their actions, they may find it difficult to deal with their own mental health and well-being. 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